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Covid-19 & Mental Health

In the last few days, my anxiety has been sky-high due to the uncertainty, fear and difficulty that COVID-19 is bringing. I can see that many people are very worried about their health and that of their loved ones. It's completely understandable to feel anxious, scared and confused right now.

Society right now

I have been far from impressed by the UK government's response. It is clear that lots of people are struggling financially or worrying about how they will cope with paying their rent and buying food. Many people are worrying about the impact of loneliness, a change in routine, feeling trapped inside their homes and out of control.

The pandemic is particularly difficult for people who are in abusive relationships at home and can't go out to school, work or community venues. (For domestic violence support in the UK, please contact Refuge).

Stay at home

I am growing increasingly worried that people are just continuing daily life without understanding (or caring?) that they are spreading the virus. It is clear that many people are not staying at home and practising serious social distancing and this is spreading the disease more. I fear that very soon the UK will be in the same position as places like Italy, Spain and New York were there are not enough ventilators for all who need them. I am very scared of the death toll accelerating out of control.

The text reads 'please don't judge yourself for your feelings and behaviour right now. These are very stressful and strange times.' The background is blue sky and corn.

Ask yourself: Is going out vital right now?

If you are still going out, please consider if this is vital. Staying at home protects yourself and others from catching the virus. The more people who contract the illness, the greater the strain on the NHS and the more ventilators that will be taken up.

By using public transport and walking around the streets when you are not a key worker, you are potentially infecting doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, social workers, teachers for vulnerable children, food supply workers, police and other vital service workers. If all of these people get infected, then where will that leave us?

I know that there are some people who are not key workers who are still going to work because they are being told by their employer that they will lose their jobs or not be paid if they stay at home. I believe that these employers are acting in an extremely unethical way that is putting individuals at risk and putting an extra burden on the NHS.

Covid-19 and Mental Health

I haven't seen much being written about the impact of this pandemic mental health, but I am sure the impact is huge. My stress levels have increased due to the corona virus and its effects on the world and this makes it harder for me to manage my emotions. I have been trying to relax when I am not working, but it has been tricky.

I know that face-to-face therapy, support groups or visits from the home treatment teams have been cancelled in many cases or replaced with video calls. I also know that many people struggle with phone calls and/or video calls. I worry that there are people who have been feeling bleak who now feel bleaker than ever.

Covid-19 and social media

I haven't been on social media as much as I normally am because I am finding the constant talk of COVID-19 really overwhelming. I have been feeling surreal about it all. I am a teacher in a special school for children with a high level of needs so I have been worrying about the impact of school closures on them for the last two weeks. Schools are confused- special schools even more so- about which pupils we should stay open for. The government have been unclear.

I may be a little quiet on my blog until I feel more settled and find a way to manage the uncertainty of not having my normal routine. I am on social media less than I usually am at the moment because it is too upsetting to see what is being shared about COVID-19.

Covid-19 and BPD

Sending kind thoughts to everyone with BPD. I know emotions can be really intense for people with this condition and I imagine a lot of you will be experiencing high anxiety right now. I have been having less of my BPD symptoms in the last two weeks and more anxiety about the pandemic. I wonder if anyone else is having the same experience?

On a positive note, my local community have been really caring towards one another which is lovely. If you need someone to talk to, I believe Samaritans are open 24-7. Please check the NHS website for the latest advice about COVID19 as there are myths and fake news articles circulating right now.

If I think go any useful coping tips or resources for managing mental health during this pandemic, then I will be sure to share them here. For now I am focusing on sleeping and eating properly, concentrating on my work, playing the new Animal Crossing game on Nintendo Switch and doing chores at home.

Final note to end this post:

Please stay at home unless it is vital for you to go out. Help stop the spread.

1 Comment

Mar 19, 2020

Are you finding things being cancelled is playing in to your fear of abandonment? I‘m really struggling as all my friends have been cancelling the things I had planned with them. I’m losing the things I had to look forward to and I feel like I might never see people again. I’m so scared of being forgotten. I wondered if you felt the same?

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