I am so happy that I have been shortlisted for a Mind Media Award in the category 'Digital Champion'! I have been nominated alongside three other people who are doing wonderful things to improve understandings of mental health conditions and to decrease stigma.
It means a lot to me that a blogger with BPD has been shortlisted because personality disorders are often underrepresented in the media. I want to be there alongside more talked about conditions such as anxiety and depression.

I really hope that Talking About BPD's presence at the awards will shine a light on BPD so that more people can learn about it. Perhaps also through being at the awards, I can share my work with more people who might relate to it and take some comfort from that.

The awards ceremony will take place on 13th November in London and hopefully it will be live-streamed on Facebook like it was in previous years. I will keep you updated in case you would like to watch!

It is extremely exciting that I have been nominated alongside the fantastic Nikki Lilly, Louis Theroux's Mothers On The Edge which I thought was sensitive, caring and hopeful and David Harewood's Psychosis and Me which was just brilliant (no other word for it!). Can't wait for November!
David Hare's honest account of psychosis must have helped so many people feel less alone.
Nikki Lilly and Nadiya Hussain talk about mental health. I find this video very soothing!
Thank you so much to Mind for shortlisting me and I hope I can bring more understanding, compassion and respect to people with borderline personality disorder.