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Opposite Action, Self-Validation & Turning The Mind

I am so happy that my 14 Days of DBT videos have been helping a number of people. Here are days 4-6 and I will be releasing more videos as soon as I possibly can (hopefully over the next few days).

Day 4: Opposite Action

Day 5: Self-Validation

Day 6: Turning The Mind

Let me know in the YouTube comments or via social media what you think or if there's anything you would like to know or anything you experience differently to me.

Useful book about DBT with lots of detail: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets by Marsha M. Linehan. Guilford Press; 2nd edition (9 Dec. 2014).

If you like what I do, please consider helping me with my running costs by supporting me on Ko-Fi. Your help is much appreciated.


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