Jun 20, 2020Stigma'The intense emotions are real and valid': Guest Post By Daria Deptula:Daria Deptuła (pronouns: they/them) is a student of History and Creative Writing at The University of Texas at Austin. They have had two...
Jun 19, 2020StigmaVideo: BPD Stigma & Careers in Helping ProfessionsI am a teacher and a person with a diagnosis of BPD. Those two things are not mutually exclusive and, in spite of what the stigma might...
Jun 3, 2020DBTThe Black, African And Asian Therapy Network & Dr McKenzie-MavingaI have noticed for a while now that psychotherapy (as well as psychiatry) is an extremely white dominated profession, both in terms of...
Mar 2, 2020Stigma'Professionals Didn't Identify My BPD For Years': Interview With Radio City TalkI joined Mick Coyle on Radio City Talk's Mental Health Monday programme last week. We spoke about borderline personality disorder (BPD),...
Jun 10, 2017StigmaMy Response to The Guardian's 'Personality Disorders At Work' ArticleToday (25.10.17) The Guardian published an article by Dr Mary Lamia entitled 'Personality Disorders at work: how to spot them and what...
Jul 2, 2016StigmaBeing Diagnosed With BPDAfter an hour and a half of questions, the psychiatrist told me that I met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder. 'It's better...