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I'm Rosie, a Mind Media Award winning blogger and writer who writes and talks about my life with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Intense emotions, interpersonal anxiety, finding the words to speak, ways of coping and being a parent. I share all these things and more. 


As you will know if you have this diagnosis (or relate to it), BPD is one of the most stigmatised, and highly-contested, mental health diagnoses. It can be a real challenge to access relevant, effective support and be treated with respect and warmth within mental health services. 


Feeling positively about yourself whilst being described as 'manipulative', 'dramatic' and 'attention seeking' is not easy. Relating to yourself with compassion when your difficulties are not always understood, or even acknowledged as real or valid, by others can be really hard. 


I write and talk about my life with BPD because I don't want others with this diagnosis to feel worthless, undeserving of care or like they bring nothing of value to relationships or to the world, just as I once did. 


Everyone with this diagnosis deserves to be seen for who they are and the strengths they have. I won't stop Talking About BPD until everyone with this diagnosis has they respect, support and compassion they deserve. 

'I am Rosie. I have BPD. I'm not an attention seeker, manipulative, dangerous, hopeless, unlovable, 'broken',  'difficult to reach' or 'unwilling to engage'. I am caring, creative courageous, determined, full of life and love.'


My book, Talking About BPD: A Stigma-Free Guide to a Calmer, Happier Life with Borderline Personality Disorder, published by JKP combines my experiences of living with BPD with DBT-based coping tips. It's available worldwide in paperback, Kindle and audiobook (read by me!). â€‹


I wrote this book for anyone with this diagnosis, or who relates to it, especially those who are feeling ashamed, lost or alone. It has received countless glowing reviews with readers praising it as 'like a good friend' and 'the book I needed'. 


I'm currently working on my second book, also published by JKP.

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