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I write and talk about my life with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, known as BPD.


BPD is one of the most highly-stigmatised and contested diagnoses in psychiatry, so many people don't feel safe or comfortable openly sharing their experiences. About ten years ago though, I started writing—and then also speaking— about my experiences, even when people told me to stay silent. 


People with BPD are misunderstood, misrepresented and treated with unfair coldness. I want a society in which people with this diagnosis are understood by others as well as themselves, are treated with warmth, respect and feel positively about who they are. If you're looking for any these things, I hope you feel a little of them here with me. 



Copyright Rosie Cappuccino 2024

This website does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice or mental health support. 

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