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My name's Rosie Cappuccino and I'm a Mind Media Award Winning blogger and writer sharing my life with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD).


I'm the author of the Talking About BPD: A Stigma-Free Guide to a Calmer and Happier Life with Borderline Personality Disorder which has been described by readers as comforting, validating and empowering. I'm currently working on my second book which I can't wait to share with you.


As you may know all too well, BPD is one of the most stigmatised mental health diagnoses. Many people are unfairly labelled as 'manipulative', 'attention-seeking' or 'difficult patients' and are left feeling ashamed, worthless, isolated and without the support they need. It's not okay and this has to change. 


Some of the ways I talk about BPD include: blogging, books, articles for magazine, YouTube videos, podcasts, radio and public speaking (eg: talks for medical schools or charities).  â€‹â€‹


'I am Rosie. I have BPD. I'm not an attention seeker, manipulative, dangerous, hopeless, unlovable, 'broken',  'difficult to reach' or 'unwilling to engage'. I am caring, creative courageous, determined, full of life and love.' Talking About BPD is a positive, stigma-free guide to life with this condition. It combines my experiences of living with BPD and DBT-based coping tips for living a calmer and happier life.


Talking About BPD: A Stigma-Free Guide to a Calmer, Happier Life with Borderline Personality Disorder, is available worldwide via Amazon, other major booksellers or direct from the publisher JKP. It's available in paperback, e-book and audiobook.


The book has received countless glowing reviews with readers praising it as 'like a good friend' and  'the book I needed'. 

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